ABB 20-F DEF-14A Report Dec. 31, 2022 | Alphaminr

ABB 20-F Report ended Dec. 31, 2022

Part IItem 1. Identity Of Directors, Senior Management and AdvisersItem 2. Offer Statistics and Expected TimetableItem 3. Key InformationItem 3A. [reserved]Item 4. Information on The CompanyItem 4A. Unresolved Staff CommentsItem 5. Operating and Financial Review and ProspectsItem 6. Directors, Senior Management and EmployeesItem 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party TransactionsItem 8. Financial InformationItem 9. The Offer and ListingItem 10. Additional InformationItem 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market RiskItem 12. Description Of Securities Other Than Equity SecuritiesPart IIItem 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and DelinquenciesItem 14. Material Modifications To The Rights Of Security Holders and Use Of ProceedsItem 15. Controls and ProceduresItem 16. [reserved]Item 16A. Audit Committee Financial ExpertItem 16B. Code Of EthicsItem 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and ServicesItem 16D. Exemptions From The Listing Standards For Audit CommitteesItem 16E. Purchase Of Equity Securities By Issuer and Affiliated PurchasersItem 16F. Change in Registrant S Certifying AccountantItem 16G. Corporate GovernanceItem 16H. Mine Safety DisclosureItem 16I. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions That Prevent InspectionsPart IIIItem 17. Financial StatementsItem 18. Financial StatementsItem 19. ExhibitsItem Sold in Separate Transactions At The Inception Of The ArrangementNote 17 Employee Benefits


Articles of Incorporation of ABBLtdForm of Amendment No. 1 tothe Amended and Restated DepositAgreement, by and among ABBLtd, Citibank, N.A., as Depositary, and the holders andbeneficial owners from time to timeof theAmerican Depositary Shares issuedthereunder (including as an exhibitthe form of AmericanDepositary Receipt).Included as Exhibit (a)(i)to Form F-6 (File No. 333-253576)filed by ABB Ltdon February 26, 2021.Form of American Depositary Receipt(included in Exhibit 2.1).Description of Securities$2,000,000,000 Multicurrency RevolvingCredit Agreement, dated December16, 2019Indenture dated as of May 8, 2012, amongABB Finance (USA) Inc., ABB andDeutsche BankTrust Company Americas, pursuant to whichABB has fully andunconditionally guaranteedpayment of principal, premium, if any, and interest in respectof any notes issued thereunder. OnMay 8, 2012, ABBs subsidiary, ABB Finance (USA) Inc., issued$500,000,000 aggregateprincipalamount of 1.625% notes due 2017,$1,250,000,000 aggregate principalamount of 2.875% notesdue 2022 and $750,000,000aggregate principal amount of 4.375%notes due 2042 under theIndenture. Incorporated by referenceto Exhibit1 to the Form 6-K filed by ABBLtd on March 9,2018.First Supplemental Indenture, datedas of May 8, 2012, amongABB Finance (USA) Inc., as Issuer,ABB Ltd, as Guarantor, and Deutsche Bank Trust CompanyAmericas, as Trustee. Incorporated byreference to Exhibit 2 to the Form 6-Kfiled by ABB Ltd on March 9, 2018.Indenture dated as of April 3, 2018,among ABB Finance (USA)Inc., ABB Ltd. and DeutscheBankTrust Company Americas, pursuant to whichABB has fully and unconditionallyguaranteedpayment of principal, premium, if any, and interest in respectof any notes issued thereunder. OnMarch 26, 2018, ABBs subsidiary, ABB Finance (USA) Inc., issued$300,000,000 aggregateprincipal amount of 2.8% notes due 2020,$450,000,000 aggregateprincipal amount of3.375% notes due 2023 and $750,000,000aggregate principal amount of 3.8% notesdue 2028under the Indenture. Incorporatedby reference to Exhibit 4.1 to theForm 6-K filed by ABB Ltd onApril 3, 2018.First Supplemental Indenture datedApril 3, 2018, among ABBFinance (USA) Inc., ABB Ltd andDeutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, asTrustee (including the form of the 2.800% Notesdue2020, the form of the 3.375% Notesdue 2023 and the form of the 3.800%Notes due 2028).Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2to the Form 6-K filed by ABB Ltdon April 3, 2018.Sale and Purchase Agreement datedDecember 17, 2018,between ABB Ltd (the Seller)andHitachi Ltd (the Purchaser) for the saleand purchase of 80.1% ofthe shares in ABB ManagementHolding AG (or such other entityas agreed between the Sellerand the Purchaser)Amendment and restatement agreementdated February 16, 2023Subsidiaries of ABB LtdCertification of the chief executiveofficer pursuant to Section 302of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of2002.Certification of the chief financialofficer pursuant to Section 302 of theSarbanes Oxley Act of2002.Certification by the chief executive officerof ABB Ltd pursuant to 18 U.S.C.Section 1350, asadopted pursuant to Section 906 ofthe Sarbanes Oxley Act of2002.*Certification by the chief financialofficer of ABB Ltd pursuant to 18 U.S.C.Section 1350, asadopted pursuant to Section 906 ofthe Sarbanes Oxley Act of2002.*Consent of KPMG AG.List of Subsidiary Issuers andGuarantors of RegisteredSecurities.