Alphaminr is meant for investors who do or want to do real fundamental analysis. Part of this research involves reading actual filings by the company, namely 10Ks, 10Qs and the Proxy Statements.
Many websites provide condensed financial information that they obtain from data providers. While this may be for sufficient for some investors, we believe that there is no substitute for reading the actual financial filings.
We have gone through the effort of collating these documents in one location where you can easily access them. Up to 10 years of 10Ks, 10Qs and Proxy Statements, depending on what’s available. We have made extensive efforts to help you navigate to the most important information quickly and you will see buttons for the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and a button marked Debt which will take you to the Notes in the filing about the company’s debt. We are using algorithms to recognize where in the filings these sections are, so we hope you will forgive us if there is an occasional error or if clicking on a button takes you to the wrong page. Financial filings do not follow consistent formats and so it is difficult for our computer algorithms anticipate every deviation from standard language and formatting. We are always working to make our algorithms better.
We also display the Table of Contents in the right column. For those investors interested in deep research we also provide an index of Exhibits to the filing in the right column.
To make it easier to be an investor in the mode of Warren Buffet doing real fundamental analysis. He talks about how he went through Moody’s manual not once but twice. He often talks about how he reads 500 pages of company filings a week. Alphaminr gets you all of those filings in one, easily accessible place.
Our service costs $10 per month with 2 week free trial and you can cancel anytime.
Sure you can do that, but we have made the whole process a lot easier and if you are an investor serious about reading those filings hopefully you will find the service worth paying for.
Glad you noticed.
Top Shareholders – This information is obtained from 13F filings by institutional investors who are required to file by the 45th day of the end of the quarter.
Summary Financials – We use computer algorithms to strip out the actual numbers from the financial filings and show this information in a non-condensed format. Not only do companies follow different formats in their reporting but a company might change their reporting formats and how they label financial terms, from year to year. As you can imagine, this creates tremendous problems for computers to sort out and so if the information shown isn’t perfect we do ask for a little forgiveness. We are continually trying to improve.
Executives and Directors – This information is obtained from the Proxy Statement. Again, these formats vary widely and can make it tricky for a computer algorithm to figure out.
Bonds – Looking at the performance or price(s) of a company’s bonds can provide really good clues about its financial health. The bond market is very finely attuned to a company’s cash flow situation.
Yes, we are continually working to improve our existing service and will be adding more features and data in the future.
You can email us at We’d also like to hear from you if you have suggestions to improve our service.